I am serving a two year mission for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in the Brazil, Porto Alegre North Mission. I post on this blog every week, so check it out to hear about my life as a missionary!

Monday, May 23, 2016

Week 90

On our P-day we went with Adriano again to Gramado. There we visited Mundo A Vapor and Super Carros. Mundo A Vapor is a museum created by a man fascinated with the steam engine. He created many miniture models of different machines that are powered by the steam engine, including the world's smallest paper factory!

World's Smallest Paper Making Machine

 I'd already been to Super Carros but we went again for the other 3 missionaries here that hadn't been yet. They recently added the Transformer Bumblebee in the front:

 Jair & Patrícia are progressing towards marriage so they can be baptized like their kids (Tamara and Felipe). Adriano is still not sure what he wants. He knows the church is true, he's already gone 3 times with his younger brother, has come to all the activities, and already made some friends at church. We're planning on watching the Restoration film with him this coming week. Suelen told us how she's stopped working on Sunday so she'll be able to go to church and be baptized shortly!

We continued working with Camila and Taina this week with their progress towards baptism. Taina turned 11 this week and at her party she told her Taekwondo teacher Mario who is the member that introduced us to them about her plans for her baptism.

During the week we also found another family who showed up out of the blue. Lucilaine recently separated from her husband and lives with her 4 children, Victor, Danieli, Jonaton, and Mateus. They were referals we received from other investigators that stopped investigating this week. This family loved our message and accepted baptism.

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