I am serving a two year mission for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in the Brazil, Porto Alegre North Mission. I post on this blog every week, so check it out to hear about my life as a missionary!

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Week 4

I'm falling in love with Brazil and her people already. Last week we took a bus to the biggest subway station in Sau Paulo and each companionship had 4 copies of the Book of Mormon and 30 minutes to place them. We couldn't proselyte in the station so we walked around the surrounding streets. There are so many people here. The first young man we talked to had a cigarette in one hand. After we parted ways he had a Book of Mormon in the other! That was the greatest feeling ever and I couldn't help smiling for the next few hours. There was an energy  inside me that felt as if I was about to burst. When we talked to our 2nd young man it hit me that I was actually communicationg with these people. Evern though I spoke with my broken 3-week-old Portuguese, they understood, and when they responded I understood. we'd been talking with our Brazilian instructors every day but this was the real deal. All 4 of the poeple we spoke with accepted the Book of Mormon and they promised to read it and call the number we provided. Each time I had them read the introduction and then I shared some of the my favorite scriptures. They were always surprised when we told them it was freee. They were so inviting and open. They would help us out when we struggled with the language and were always surprised when we told them we had come all the way from the states to live here for 2 years witout pay and that we'd only been learning Portuguese for 3 weeks. I hope they all read the book and become members.
We also had the opportunity to listen to a devotional by Elder Richard G. Scott broadcasted to all the MTC's around the world. Some of the things he said really stood out to me: "Don't rush through your opportunity to converse with your loving Father in Heaven. Take time to listen for His response."
"Everything good in my life has come from my decision to serve a mission. Take advantage of the time you have to devote 24 hours a day to serving the Lord."
Then yesterday it was our opportunity to listen to the 1st Counselor in the Presiding Bishopric, Elder Causse, speak to us during the devotional. This one was special to me for 2 reasons: my companion, another elder in my distric, and I sang "Creio em Cristo" (I Believe in Christ) for the MTC which was quite an amazing experience, and because Elder Causse had visited my home ward twice before I left for my mission. After the devotional I got to shake his hand again and we were able to talk briefly before he had to leave to catch his flight. Best part about it was he recognized me! He spoke on how our weaknesses make us humble and that they are essential to being a good missionary and for obedience, charity, and success. 1 Corinthians 1:19-28 really ties into what he said.
I love you all as always and wish you a wonderful week!

Elder Joseph Andrew
Porto Alegre North Mission
Caixa Postal 13008
CEP 91010-971
Porto Alegre-RS

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Week 3

This is my halfway point at the MTC! This week I learned a lot about how to teach. The 2 years that I spent in mission prep really prepared me for this week. One of the principles I recognized from my experience in mission prep was that when we prepare lessons for investigators we should always have something we want thtme to know (saber), feel (sentir), and do (fazer). I thought of Brother and Sister Schern (my mission prep instructors) and mentally thanked them for teaching us that so I could learn faster here.
We found out last Sunday that we'll be prostlyting this coming Friday! We've only been here for 3 weeks and here we go to place 4 copies of the Book of Mormon in an hour. I'm so excited. Hopefully I'll be able to speak and understand them! We also learned that a few months ago there used to be a total of 6 Americans in the MTC because of Visa difficulties. Now there are over 150, more than Brazilians. Of course they come and go faster though. I feel so blessed.
During this week I tried to memorize many scriptures in an attempt to learn the language faster and have something to recite to investigators when we taught them a particular lesson. One of them was the 1st Vision: "Vi um pilar de luz, acima de minha cabeça, mais brilhante que o sol, que descia gradualmente sobre mim... Quando a luz poussou sobre mim, vi dois Personagems, cujo esplendor e gloria desafiam qualquer descrição, pairando no ar, acima de mim. Um Deles falou-me, chamando-me pelo nome, e disse, apontando para o outro: Este é Meu Filho Amado. Ouve-o!"
I am serving a mission for 2 years. For 2 years I am in another country across the globe, speaking a different language. I have left my family whom I love very much; my friends; my education; and all other opportunities including marriage, for 2 years. I serve for my God who had given me life; for the Lord Jesus Christ who is my Savior and Redeemer and has suffered for all my sins and felt all my pains; and for my family who has supported me from birth, taught me important lessons throughout my life, and never ceased to show me love through raising me with the gospel of Jesus Christ, teaching me when I made countless mistakes, and being proud of my righteous actions. Now in the mission field, I represent my God, my Savior, and my family. I am here to invite all to come unto Christ, become perfected in Him, and with Him partake of all the blessings of Salvation and eternal exaltation. I have spent the last 18 years enjoying the knowledge and blessings of eternal families, and now it is my turn to preach that wonderful news to the world. I am a representative of Jesus Christ, a missionary of the CHurch of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. How great is my calling!
If I don't respond to your emails or letters right away I am sorry, we are so busy we have literally no time. But you will get a response! Love you all!

Elder Joseph Andrew
Porto Alegre North Mission
Caixa Postal 13008
CEP 91010-971
Porto Alegre-RS

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Week 2

Well I've been here for 2 weeks today! Couldn't be happier. I love it here, and I'm picking up the language little by little. I'm finding success in understanding the gist of what people say for the most part, and I'm working on speaking faster. I never thought of it, but when we speak English, it sounds super fast and confusing to people from other countries because we slur our words together and speak at a speed comfortable to us because we're fluent in English. It's the same here. When I first talked to someone on the streets, I thought they were speaking something other than Portuguese because it sounded so fast. But it'll come given time.
We enjoyed several devotionals this week, and it was interesting to hear what each speaker had to say. Many of them were missionaries who had served here many many years ago. Some of them were from the states and so every once in a while they would have to look back and ask the MTC president how to say a word in Portuguese because it had been so long since they'd served. From the past 2 weeks, the most important thing I've learned is that obedience brings blessings! More than anything, if we are exactly obedient to the commandments, counsel from leaders, and other rules, the Lord will pour out blessings on you. And for us at the MTC, we want those blessings more than anything as we attempt to learn a new language. Hope to hear from you next week!
Elder Andrew

Elder Joseph Andrew
Porto Alegre North Mission
Caixa Postal 13008
CEP 91010-971
Porto Alegre-RS

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Week 1

This week has been amazing! I love it here at the CTM in Brazil. Unfortunately we don't have a lot of time here so I won't be able to say much. I hope to be able to say more about Brazil next week. I learned this week from Elder Faust that there are 2 kinds of missionaries, those who are sent to Brazil, and those who wish they had. I couldn't agree more! I won't be able to attach any pictures until I'm out of the CTM. As I have been studying the gospel and Portuguese this week, a scripture in Doctrine and Covenants stood out to me. It says, "For it shall come to pass in that day, that every man shall hear the fulness of the gospel in his own tongue, and in his own language, through those who are ordained unto this power, by the administragtion of the Comforter." (D&C 90:11; see also Helaman 5:18 and 2 Nephi 31:3) I love that scripture because it really stood out to me and gave me strength this week. And for those of you who knew Elder Dawson who served in Moab a few months ago, I saw him at the MTC a few days ago because he finally got his Visa! I am very appreciative of the love and support every one has shown me, and I pray for you as well! For those who would like to write me a letter, my address at the MTC for the next 5 weeks is:
Elder Joseph Andrew
Porto Alegre North Mission
Rua Padre Antònio D`Angelo, 121
Casa Verde - São Paulo, SP
Keep the faith!
~Elder Andrew