I am serving a two year mission for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in the Brazil, Porto Alegre North Mission. I post on this blog every week, so check it out to hear about my life as a missionary!

Monday, April 4, 2016

Week 83

Due to traveling to Porto Alegre and General Conference, we didn't have as much time as we would have liked to work in our area. However, we saw many miracles happen with the investigators that we have.

Ginésio and Eduardo progressed quite a bit. Ginésio has been reading the chapters in 3 Nephi that relate Christ's visit to America and it eating it all up. Every time we came to visit him he'd read more and once as we passed by his house to visit someone else we looked over and through the open door we caught him reading the Book of Mormon at his table! We have been very pleased with his growing attachment to this sacred book. On Saturday we perceived that he was a little hesitant to go by himself to watch General Conference with us and then roped his son Eduardo in to going with him. He told us,"if there's any time to really get to know this church and its teachings it'd be during this conference, we've got to make a visit. This would be the time to go, it only happens twice a year too." Eduardo was excited to hear the Prophet speak, he'd previously asked us how he could know if Thomas S. Monson really is a prophet. We told him that the best way would be to listen to what he teaches. We'd been praying that the Prophet would speak during the Sunday Morning Session because it was the session they were going to go to.

Alfredo & Stefani also made us really happy with their progress in reading the Book of Mormon. On Tuesday Alfredo told us how he'd been wanting to know if this Church is the true church and so he went into his room and said a prayer voicing his desire to God. When he got up, he looked at the Book of Mormon and opened it up randomly to find an answer. What he read touched him deeply and he recognized it as an answer from God: "My son, give ear to my words; for I swear unto you, that inasmuch as ye shall keep the commandments of God ye shall prosper in the land." (Alma 36:1)

Jair & Patrícia accepted baptism Tuesday night. We taught them the Plan of Salvation and all their children were there too. The member who had given their address to us, Mario, was also there. It was a special moment to be with that family when they all accepted the invitation to be baptized in the Church of Jesus Christ.

On Saturday we watched General Conference in Lucas' house with him. I was struck when many of the gerenal authorities prayed for the missionaries in the field. I realized that this conference would be my last as a full-time missionary.

On Sunday we were very happy when Ginésio and Eduardo came to the church building to watch the morning session of Conference. Their eyes were glued to the screen the whole time and it seemed like all the talks were exactly what they needed to hear. Among the best talks were Bonnie Oscarson who bore down in pure testimony and our beloved Prophet Thomas S. Monson. We all felt the Spirit strongly and when it ended they told us that they wanted it to continue, they didn't want to leave.

For the Sunday Afternoon Session our prayers were answered when Jair & Patrícia and Alfredo & Stefani walked into the church. They too had a very spiritual experience. Mario told us how he'd brought Jair the night before to watch the Priesthood Session with him.

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